Reema Shamim
31 Jul
The Open Identity Centre in Human Design - "I am loved for who I am and not for what I do"


The Identity Centre, also known as the G centre, is one of the nine centres in the Human Design BodyGraph. Located in the middle of the chart, this centre is associated with love, direction, and the sense of self. It plays a crucial role in defining who we are and our sense of purpose in life. 

In Human Design, this centre can be defined or open, and the nature of this centre significantly influences an individual's life experiences and personal growth.

Characteristics of the Identity Centre

The Identity Centre governs:

  • Sense of Self: How individuals perceive their own identity and self-worth.
  • Direction in Life: The sense of direction and purpose, influencing decisions and life paths.
  • Love: The capacity to give and receive love, including self-love and love from others.

Open Identity Centre

An open Identity Centre is depicted as white on the BodyGraph. This means the centre absorbs and amplifies the identity and direction from the environment and the people around.


  • Fluid Sense of Self: Individuals with an open Identity Centre often experience a variable sense of self, which changes depending on their surroundings and interactions.
  • Adaptability: They can adapt easily to different environments, often reflecting the energy and identity of those around them.
  • Enhanced Empathy: These individuals have a natural ability to empathise deeply with others, understanding different perspectives and identities.
  • Sensitivity to Environment: Their sense of direction and purpose can be heavily influenced by where they are and whom they are with.


  • Versatility and Flexibility: The ability to adapt to different situations and roles can be a significant strength, allowing them to navigate various social settings and relationships with ease.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Enhanced empathy allows them to connect deeply with others, making them excellent in roles that require understanding and supporting diverse individuals.
  • Potential for Wisdom: Over time, they can develop a deep understanding of different ways of being, leading to profound insights about identity and direction in life.


  • Lack of a Stable Sense of Self: The fluctuating sense of identity can lead to feelings of confusion or uncertainty about who they truly are.
  • External Influence: They may be prone to taking on the identities, directions, and purposes of those around them, sometimes at the expense of their own true path.
  • Need for Validation: There might be a tendency to seek validation from the external environment, leading to dependence on others' opinions and directions.

Strategies for Managing an Open Identity Center:

  • Mindful Environment Choice: Surrounding oneself with positive and supportive environments can significantly influence well-being and personal direction.
  • Inner Reflection: Regular practices such as meditation, journaling, or counseling can help in discerning one’s true self amidst external influences.
  • Boundaries: Developing healthy boundaries to avoid becoming overly influenced by others' identities and directions.
  • Embracing Change: Accepting and embracing the fluid nature of their identity as a unique strength rather than a weakness.

Practical Implications

Understanding and managing an open Identity Centre can have profound implications across various aspects of life.

Personal Growth:

  • Self-Discovery: Regular self-reflection and exploration can aid in discovering and embracing one's true self.
  • Acceptance of Fluidity: Recognising and accepting the natural variability in identity can lead to greater self-acceptance and inner peace.


  • Empathy and Connection: The ability to empathize deeply can strengthen personal relationships, fostering deep connections and understanding.
  • Maintaining Self-Identity: Learning to maintain a sense of self while being open to others can enhance relationship dynamics without losing personal integrity.

Career Choices:

  • Versatile Roles: Careers that allow for adaptability and interaction with diverse groups can be highly fulfilling.
  • Supportive Environments: Working in environments that offer positive reinforcement and a sense of direction can enhance job satisfaction and performance.

An open Identity Centre in Human Design offers both unique challenges and profound opportunities for growth and understanding. 

By recognising the fluid nature of their sense of self and direction, individuals with an open Identity Centre can harness their adaptability and empathy to navigate life with greater awareness and fulfillment. 

Embracing the strengths of this open centre while developing strategies to manage its challenges can lead to a more balanced and enriched life.

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