Reema Shamim
17 Jul
The Open Will Centre in Human Design - "I’m worthy because I exist"


Human Design is a unique system that combines principles from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to offer insights into a person's personality, potential, and life path. 

One of the critical elements of Human Design is the Will Centre, also known as the Heart Centre or Ego Centre. This centre is one of the nine energy centres in the Human Design chart, and its definition or lack thereof has a significant impact on how a person experiences and expresses willpower, self-worth, and material desires.

Understanding the Will Centre

The Will Centre is located just below the Throat centre and to the right of the G centre in the Human Design Bodygraph. It governs themes of willpower, courage, ego, self-worth, materialism, and the ability to commit. 

The Will Centre is a motor centre, meaning it generates energy and drives action. When defined, this centre provides consistent access to these themes, influencing how individuals assert themselves and their desires.

Also known as the Ego Centre, the Will Centre isn't about arrogance or ego in the traditional sense. Instead, it governs our ability to initiate, assert ourselves, and follow through with our desires and commitments. 

When this centre is open in your Human Design chart, it means you don't consistently generate your own willpower like those with a defined Will Centre do. Instead, you are more attuned to and influenced by the willpower of others around you.

The Challenges of an Open Will Centre

One of the primary challenges for those with an open Will Centre is dealing with issues of self-worth and self-esteem. You might find yourself constantly questioning your value, comparing yourself to others, or feeling pressured to prove your worth through achievements and material possessions. This can lead to a cycle of over-commitment and burnout as you strive to meet standards that aren’t genuinely aligned with your true self.

Additionally, there’s a tendency to make promises or commitments that you might not be able to keep, driven by a desire to be seen as reliable and valuable. This can result in feelings of guilt or inadequacy when you can't follow through, further affecting your self-esteem.

Despite these challenges, having an open Will Centre is a profound gift. It offers the potential for deep wisdom about the nature of willpower and self-worth. People with an open Will Centre can become masters at understanding and reflecting on the dynamics of ego and value, both in themselves and in others.

Here are some key benefits of embracing an open Will Centre:

  • Fluidity in Self-Worth: Unlike those with a defined Will Centre, who have a fixed sense of self-worth, your value can adapt and change. This fluidity allows for a more flexible and open approach to life, free from rigid self-perceptions.
  • Deep Empathy and Understanding: You can deeply empathise with others' struggles with self-worth, making you a natural counsellor or guide. Your experiences can provide valuable insights and support to those around you.
  • Authentic Living: By embracing the open nature of your Will Centre, you learn to live authentically, without the need to prove yourself constantly. You can break free from societal expectations and create a life that truly resonates with your inner values.

Embracing Your Open Will Centre

To harness the full potential of your open Will Centre, consider the following steps:

  • Practice Self-acceptance: Acknowledge and accept that your worth is not tied to your achievements or possessions. Practice self-compassion and recognise that your value is inherent and not conditional.

  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Be mindful of over-committing. Learn to say no and prioritise your well-being. Understand that it’s okay to change your mind and that your worth is not dependent on fulfilling every promise.
  • Reflect on Your Motivations: Before making decisions or commitments, take a moment to reflect on your motivations. Are you acting out of a genuine desire or out of a need to prove your worth? Align your actions with your true values and intentions.
  • Surround Yourself with Supportive Energies: Spend time with people who uplift and support you. Their positive energy can help reinforce your sense of self-worth and provide a healthy environment for your open Will Centre.
  • Embrace Your Unique Wisdom: Share your experiences and insights with others. Your unique perspective on self-worth and ego dynamics can be a source of inspiration and guidance for those around you.

An open Will Centre in Human Design is a beautiful aspect of your unique energetic blueprint. While it comes with its own set of challenges, it also offers profound opportunities for growth, wisdom, and authentic living. 

By embracing the fluid nature of your self-worth and understanding the dynamics of willpower, you can navigate life with greater ease and fulfillment. Remember, your true value lies not in what you achieve or possess, but in who you are at your core. 

Celebrate the unique gifts of your open Will Centre and let it guide you towards a life of genuine self-love and acceptance.

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